Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dr. Seuss Goes Digital!

We are excited to prepare to celebrate 
Read Across America and Dr. Seuss Day 2016!

K-2 will explore   (requires flash - takes long to load but worth it if you can get it to load)

 3-5 will visit their Google Classroom Space to 

Pick a quote from on the left.

What does this quote mean to you and how does it inspire you or others? 

Students will explain in a Google Doc or Slide created in Google Classroom and submit to their teacher.  

Friday, February 12, 2016

Unplugged Friday

What do you do when all of your computer carts are signed out?  You unplug and become Lego Engineers!  

First we learned about the history of  Lego with this video...

This is a GREAT video but at 10:10 MUTE IT...a character says "damn"....
totally confused why this would be in a kids video!!  

Thanks to a FREE printable from Lalymom's Blog each K-3 student got a Challenge Card.   The file even comes with blank cards to so inspiring engineers can create their own challenge for a classmate!

Build Something With A C.....these girls built a College!!!

Watch the magic when kids get to CREATE at school!  

When Kindergarten came in we skipped the long Lego History 
above and discussed the Power of Yet!  

Trying something new means you might not get it on the first try.  
This video was a great kick off for a new challenge! 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Focus Friday 2/5/16

 TES celebrated the 100th Day of School this week!

Kindergarten and First Grade students will explore these digtial learning resources starting with an eBook during Library Read to Me time!  Students may continue learning at home with the link below!


Welcome to the redesigned TES Tech Effect where students and faculty will be highlighted for their participation in  Digital Learning at Trevilians Elementary School!!  Mrs. Downey, Instructional Technology Specialist and Mrs. Chaney, Library Media Specialist will post activites from our weekly Focus Fridays in the Library!  Join in on the digital learning fun!