Thursday, April 16, 2015

March Madness Winners!

In March, the Instructional Technology Team challenged 
all LCPS teachers to a Technology SOL Challenge!  

How many of your grade level technology SOLs could students successfully master this month Check out the March Madness website for all the details.  

The WINNERS of the Challenge are below! Well done ladies!!

Vocabulary Review - Tech Style!

Mrs. Peasley's 5th Graders are collaborating in a grade wide Google Slideshow teaching their peers about specific Math Vocabulary! 

 Each student must insert a definition, copyright friendly image, and learning video to show the meaning of their chosen vocabulary word.  Slide cards will be used for review and then to create a game!  The template to this card was found on Google Templates created by Susan Oxnevad.  

What a powerful lesson this has been not only about exploring vocabulary on a deeper level but also exploring our responsibilities as Digital Citizens!  Way to go 5th Graders!!