Thursday, December 15, 2016

Holiday Coding

Old Man Winter has blown in Louisa, VA!

Brrr it's cold outside! 

 Join in the Winter fun with the
 Computer Programming Activities Below!

Since #HourofCode we are addicted to Computer Programming
 (insert Teacher Happy Dance). 

Winter Coding Activities

Google's Made with Code
Code a holiday emoji

Upper Elementary

Create a Holiday Card with Scratch
(Watch the tutorial video to the right before you begin)

For those who want a challenge!

Codester Winter Greetings
Click Sign-Up
Individual User
Log-in with Google

Friday, December 9, 2016

Letter Writing on National Believe Day

Not all of our students celebrate Christmas, but all of our students believe in making wishes come true!  Our TES Spreads Kindness Campaign this year teaches students to spread kindness to others to make this world a happier place!.  Today, students will participate in National Believe Day during their Library Tech Friday time!

Students will discuss 

Spreading Kindness to Others in a Letter to Santa
Letter Writing Format
Email (Santa goes digital!)

Join us in the fun of spreading kindness through the #santaproject

click on Start Writing

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Let's Build A House - Tech Friday 10/14

As our upper grades continue their Digital Citizenship Projects,
our Kindergarten and First Graders are going to
  continue their keyboarding and mouse skills.

Today we will read.... Building A House  By: Byron Barton

Then we will continue our 
Keyboarding and Mouse (Touchpad) Skills 
by Building a House on ABCya

Click on Picture or 
(This website requires flash)

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Digital Citizenship Fall Introduction

Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.

Image result for hector's world episode 1

How can we keep our personal information safe online?

Each student should color 1 page to make a colorful book for the classroom!

Visit the assignment in your Google Classroom and 
Create an I Keep poster in Google Docs (docs, slides, drawings)
 I keep safe....  I keep away... I keep telling....

What can you tell your online friends and what should you keep private?

Visit the assignment in your Google Classroom to Create and Turn In

Pick ONE: 
Create a "Web Rules" poster
Illustrate a 1 pager Internet SafetyStory
Create your own cyber safety story while on SurfSwell Island

Friday, September 16, 2016

Constitution Day 2016

We are excited to celebrate Constitution Day in the Library today!

After this introduction students logged-in to their Google Classroom space.

To view the lessons shared visit:  

Happy Constitution Day!
Mrs. Chaney and Mrs Downey

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Welcome Back Kindergarten!

We are so excited to welcome a new group of amazing Kindergartners to TES!  
For our FIRST Friday Focus class we are going to 
review Computer Care with our new cart of laptops!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Digital Canvas: Paint the Story

Focus Friday brought a new group of Kindergarteners into the Library for some touchpad/mouse skills.  Learning to navigate a mouse on a laptop can be tricky for little ones and learning to "paint" was challenging but a great success!  We cannot wait to practice our mouse skills some more next week!

I really like this version because it is animated with images 
that the kids can "paint" on ABCya.

After the Video Story students visited ABCya Paint
to create their own scene from Jack and the Beanstalk!

What fun! Check out our creations! 


Friday, April 8, 2016

Second Grade PowToons!

Our second graders added the app PowToon Edu to their Google Drives this week and created presentations about the Life Cycle of a Deer!  They all did an awesome job navigating this digital resource!
Some students even added their own recordings!
Editors at work!
Check out their work - WOW these are 2nd Graders!!!
Life Cycle of a Deer
Life Cycle of a Deer with Recorded Audio

Friday, March 11, 2016

Block City and Moby Max in Kindergarten

Today Kindergarten....

 ...revisits the library to day to trade colored block cards from last week and build each other's pattern and then a city!

We are reading:

Block City by Robert Louisa Stevens
Read the Poem ...but we encourage you to buy the book!

Check out this blogger mom for a cool block mural idea!

If you do not have the book yet...the video below is a great replacement!

Also students will be visiting their Classroom Moby Max site 
set up by their rockstar teacher, Mrs. Jenkins!

Friday, March 4, 2016


Today Students Will....

Do you remember the Sesame Street Episode about crayons?  Circa 1980?  It was a personal favorite! Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood visited a Crayola Factory in 1981 in the video below and then Crayola launched an updated video below.

1.   Read:    A Day With No Crayons by: Elizabeth Rusch

2.   View and Compare:  THEN and NOW.

Crayola Factory .....THEN

Crayola Factory....NOW

3.  CREATE a PATTERN:  Using these Free Duplo Pattern Template Coloring Sheets

4.  BUILD  their pattern, or a partners, using the blocks provided.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Dr. Seuss Goes Digital!

We are excited to prepare to celebrate 
Read Across America and Dr. Seuss Day 2016!

K-2 will explore   (requires flash - takes long to load but worth it if you can get it to load)

 3-5 will visit their Google Classroom Space to 

Pick a quote from on the left.

What does this quote mean to you and how does it inspire you or others? 

Students will explain in a Google Doc or Slide created in Google Classroom and submit to their teacher.  

Friday, February 12, 2016

Unplugged Friday

What do you do when all of your computer carts are signed out?  You unplug and become Lego Engineers!  

First we learned about the history of  Lego with this video...

This is a GREAT video but at 10:10 MUTE IT...a character says "damn"....
totally confused why this would be in a kids video!!  

Thanks to a FREE printable from Lalymom's Blog each K-3 student got a Challenge Card.   The file even comes with blank cards to so inspiring engineers can create their own challenge for a classmate!

Build Something With A C.....these girls built a College!!!

Watch the magic when kids get to CREATE at school!  

When Kindergarten came in we skipped the long Lego History 
above and discussed the Power of Yet!  

Trying something new means you might not get it on the first try.  
This video was a great kick off for a new challenge! 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Focus Friday 2/5/16

 TES celebrated the 100th Day of School this week!

Kindergarten and First Grade students will explore these digtial learning resources starting with an eBook during Library Read to Me time!  Students may continue learning at home with the link below!


Welcome to the redesigned TES Tech Effect where students and faculty will be highlighted for their participation in  Digital Learning at Trevilians Elementary School!!  Mrs. Downey, Instructional Technology Specialist and Mrs. Chaney, Library Media Specialist will post activites from our weekly Focus Fridays in the Library!  Join in on the digital learning fun!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Focus Friday in the Media Center

One of my favorite things to do is co-teach!  Our Media Specialist, Mrs. Chaney, offers this opportunity as often as possible!  Getting right back into the groove of things in 2016 the first Focus Friday in the Media Center brought digital learning FUN!!


Mrs. Chaney read aloud to Kindergarten and First Grade students about seasonal weather and dress before students practices their VA Technology SOLs using laptops to practice using the touchpad, mouse, and drag and drop skills during a Dress for Winter or Winter Animals interactive screen.   (find the links on our Special Events Page)

Order Me on Scholastic

Students in 4th and 5th grade were inspired by poetry by Jack Prelutsky and then created their own Winter Poems using a Winter Magnetic Poetry lesson created by Kasey Bell of  

Mrs. Chaney saved a copy of this file and passed it out to students through Google Classroom so each student had their own file.  Stay tuned for a finished product slide show of our poems! 
Winter Magnetic Poetry in Google Slides!

Google Classroom...Google Slides...First Grade

The first grade team continued introducing their students to digital learning when they typed letters to Santa in a Google Slides template "passed out" through Google Classroom.

Students logged-in to laptop computers as well as iPads using the Google Classroom and Google Slides Apps.

Our wish is to one day be 1:1 with iPads so students can personalize the use of the apps and not have to log-in and log-out of their learning resources.

 In the meantime, they are rocking their Virginia Technology  SOLs and truely participating in 21st Century Learning!

2015 Hour of Code

The week of December 7-11th is becoming one of our favorite weeks at Trevilians Elementary! Computer Science Education Week brings us the Hour of Code event sponsored by

Please visit our Go Digital News for K-5 Parents page about Hour of Code activities to continue at home!

Students in Pk-5 all had a wonderful time experiencing Computer Programming and we would like to thank TES Parents: Mrs. Cindy Lewis - LCHS Technology Student Association Robotics Coach and Mr. Terry Dwyer - Manager, Software Development at S&P Capital IQ and SNL