Wednesday, October 14, 2015

New Teacher Laptops Dazzle Instruction

LCPS Elementaty Teachers received new Dell 2-in-1 laptops during 
a teacher workday this past Monday.  Today is Wednesday and already teachers are dazzling their instruction with this touch-screen device! 

Kindergarten teacher Kathy Jenkins is using her Math Calendar Powerpoint presentations in contjunction with the Epson's Easy Interavtive Tools and stylus to allow this little cutie to teach his classmates about the number line!  

 The wireless touch screen laptop is bringing learners to the device for active participation.  Thank you LCPS for this fantastic addition to our instruciton!!  #21centurylearning @itrt4lcps @LCPSchools #makeithappenTES

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Google Custom Search

Each year, second grade teacher, Judy Kittel,  researches appropriate websites for her students to for their their Native American research project.  For years she has keept a neat list of links on her classroom webpage and navigated students there for information  But can search these very sites through Google Custom Search!

Judy created her very own Google Search experience and shared it with her Second Grade Team.  Now each teacher can add the link to an assignment in Google Classroom or even embed the search box in a website! What a great way to model key words and interent searching in a controlled environment for success!  Way to  #makeithappenTES 2nd Grade!

Visit our Special Events Page on the LCPS Elementary website of student links to view this custom search or create your own custom search .